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© 2024 • Typeset in GT UltraNewsletterEmail

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© 2024 • Typeset in GT UltraNewsletterEmail

The /now page was an idea by Derek Sivers. Read more about it at Nownownow.

I am working on some exciting projects on behalf of Ghost, where my time is split between new projects and design improvements/bug fixes, and I hope to be able to share more on that soon.

Fridays are a day off, so I dedicate those to personal creative work. Together with my friend Iris, I am working on a zine called TRANSCRIPT. We're currently in the final phase of its design, and will send it to the printer soon. If all goes well, it comes out this summer.

I still send out my monthly newsletter, Trema, in which I write one very brief book recommendation per month. I am reading roughly three to four books per month, maintaining a steady rhythm, which makes me happy.

Playing tennis 2 times per week, if the weather allows, the season is now in full swing. I am hoping to improve my playing a bit this year.

I am working on some exciting projects on behalf of Ghost, where my time is split between new projects and design improvements/bug fixes, and I hope to be able to share more on that soon.

Fridays are a day off, so I dedicate those to personal creative work. Together with my friend Iris, I am working on a zine called TRANSCRIPT. We're currently in the final phase of its design, and will send it to the printer soon. If all goes well, it comes out this summer.

I still send out my monthly newsletter, Trema, in which I write one very brief book recommendation per month. I am reading roughly three to four books per month, maintaining a steady rhythm, which makes me happy.

Playing tennis 2 times per week, if the weather allows, the season is now in full swing. I am hoping to improve my playing a bit this year.

Six months in, I have found my feet at Ghost, where

I design tools for writers, journalists and publishers.

I dedicate Fridays to personal creative work.

Six months in, I have found my feet at Ghost, where

I design tools for writers, journalists and publishers.

I dedicate Fridays to personal creative work.

Last updated: June 13th, 2024

Daniël van der Winden
Daniël van der Winden